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The Israelis are worse than the Nazis, Netanyahu is worse than Hitler , and what is happening in Gaza is worse than what happened in the Holocaust and concentration camps , but the difference is that the West supports a brutal, barbaric killer criminal and a barbaric state against defenseless people in Palestine

منذ 6 شهور

Israel Is The New Holocaust! Israel isn't targeting Hamas, they are targeting CIVILIANS!What is happening in the Gaza is a genocide. I can't see Netanyahu as a normal person, I only see the Nazi Hitler!

الا يعلم هولاء اليهود ان السبب لاحراق 160 او 180 الف يهودي في المانياء بسبب حماقة طبيب رفض اعطاء الدواء لوالدة هتلر فكيف ستكون نهايتهم وهم يقتلون ويدمرون المنازل على راس الاطفال والنساء الابرياء في غزه ؟؟!!Don't these Jews know that the reason for burning 160 or 180 thousand Jews in Germany was because of the foolishness of a doctor who refused to give medicine to Hitler's mother, so how will their end be as they kill and destroy homes on top of innocent children and women in Gaza??!!

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