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I will notdance to your wardrum. I willnot lend my soul normy bones to your wardrum. I willnot dance to yourbeating. I know that beat.It is lifeless. I knowintimately that skinyou are hitting. Itwas alive oncehunted stolenstretched. I willnot dance to your drummedup war. I will not popspin break for you. Iwill not hate for you oreven hate you. I willnot kill for you. EspeciallyI will not diefor you. I will not mournthe dead with murder norsuicide. I will not sidewith you nor dance to bombsbecause everyone else isdancing. Everyone can bewrong. Life is a right notcollateral or casual. Iwill not forget whereI come from. Iwill craft my own drum. Gather my belovednear and our chantingwill be dancing. Ourhumming will be drumming. Iwill not be played. Iwill not lend my namenor my rhythm to yourbeat. I will danceand resist and dance andpersist and dance. This heartbeat is louder thandeath. Your war drum ain’tlouder than this breath.

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