في جملة عظيمة قرأتها .. هتفرق جداً في حياتك : ‏It is necessary to be able to delay your emotions until you can afford themيعني من الضروري أن تكون قادر على تأخير مشاعرك حتى تتمكن من تحمل تكاليفها .. ممكن تبقي مشاعر غضب لو ظهرت في وقتها هتبقي سبب لقطع علاقة .. ممكن تبقي مشاعر خلاف بين اشخاص بس الظروف دلوقتي محتاجة انهم ينسوا اي خلاف بينهم دلوقتي علشان هدف اكبر و اهم .. ممكن تبقي مشاعر خوف في وقت انت محتاج تكون فيه تكون في قمة شجاعتك لانك مصدر امان للي حواليك .. مشاعرنا رغم انها من حقنا و ما ينفعش ننكرها او نتجاهلها و لكن لازم نتعلم ازاي نعملها delay .. يعني نأخرها .. نعطلها لفترة .. ودي اعلي مراحل النضج ..

📚 Dive into the emotionally riveting world of "A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara, where the #author masterfully weaves a #tale of friendship, trauma, and the complexities of human relationships. This novel offers a profound exploration of the human condition, drawing readers into the lives of its characters with a raw and unflinching portrayal of their struggles and triumphs. Yanagihara's prose is both poignant and powerful, creating a narrative that lingers in the heart long after the last page is turned. The characters are intricately developed, and their journeys evoke a rollercoaster of emotions, from heart-wrenching sorrow to moments of profound joy. Through its exploration of pain and resilience, "A Little Life" challenges readers to reflect on their own lives and relationships. 🌟 If you're ready for a deeply moving and thought-provoking literary experience, this novel is a must-read. Have you ever been profoundly affected by a book, and if so, which one and why? 🤔

منذ 5 شهور

📚 Dive into the emotionally riveting world of "A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara, where the #author masterfully weaves a #tale of friendship, trauma, and the complexities of human relationships. This novel offers a profound exploration of the human condition, drawing readers into the lives of its characters with a raw and unflinching portrayal of their struggles and triumphs. Yanagihara's prose is both poignant and powerful, creating a narrative that lingers in the heart long after the last page is turned. The characters are intricately developed, and their journeys evoke a rollercoaster of emotions, from heart-wrenching sorrow to moments of profound joy. Through its exploration of pain and resilience, "A Little Life" challenges readers to reflect on their own lives and relationships. 🌟 If you're ready for a deeply moving and thought-provoking literary experience, this novel is a must-read. Have you ever been profoundly affected by a book, and if so, which one and why? 🤔

"Charlotte's Web" is a fantastic choice for beginner #English #readers 📚🕷️. E.B. White's timeless classic possesses a captivating narrative that seamlessly weaves together elements of friendship, loyalty, and the beauty of the natural world 🌿. The language used is accessible and straightforward, making it an ideal introduction to more complex English literature. The endearing characters, such as Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider, not only entertain but also impart valuable life lessons 🐷🕸️. The book's themes are universal, allowing readers to relate to the emotions and experiences of the characters. The plot is engaging and thought-provoking, encouraging readers to explore deeper meanings while enhancing their language skills. As the story unfolds, readers are enveloped in a world of imagination and empathy, creating a positive and enriching reading experience. Have you ever wondered how the lessons from "Charlotte's Web" can be applied to our own lives? 🤔

Sally Rooney has captivated #readers with her unique ability to delve into the complexities of human relationships, infusing her narratives with a raw and authentic emotion that resonates deeply. 📚 Her writing style is both elegant and approachable, making her novels relatable to a broad audience. 🌟 Rooney's keen observations on the nuances of modern love, friendship, and societal expectations have earned her widespread acclaim. Readers appreciate her characters' depth and the way she navigates the intricacies of emotions, creating stories that feel both intimate and universal. 🤔 Have you found yourself drawn to #Rooney's works, and if so, which aspect of her storytelling do you find most compelling?

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