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English Books for All المشرف
Essam Wahba   •   منذ 5 شهور

"All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy" This #expression appears in its modern form in James Howell's 1659 Proverbs in English, Italian, French and Spanish, but appears to have been in use some time before that.It has appeared in #writing countless times since. For example, in 1853 Charles Dickens wrote the following to author and scholar Peter Cunningham:"...No one can more highly estimate your devotion to the best interests of Britain than I. But I wish to see it tempered with a wise consideration for your own amusement, recreation, and pastime. All work and no play may make Peter a dull boy as well as Jack. And (if I may claim the privilege of friendship to remonstrate) I would say that you do not take enough time for your meals. Dinner for instance you habitually neglect. Believe me, this rustic repose will do you good. Winkles also are to be obtained in these parts, and it is well remarked by Poor Richard, that a bird in the handbook is worth two in the bush." - #Dickens

"Where there's smoke, there's fire."This #proverb conveys the idea that if there are signs or indications of a problem or issue, there's likely a real cause behind it. In other words, when you observe something unusual or suspicious (the "smoke"), it often indicates an underlying problem or situation (the "fire"). It serves as a reminder to investigate and address potential issues when you notice the first signs of trouble. This proverb is frequently used to highlight the importance of taking early action when problems arise rather than ignoring them, as they might lead to more significant consequences later on.

منذ 6 شهور

A proverb I like is "All that glitters is not gold." This #proverb is a cautionary statement that suggests appearances can be deceiving. It means that not everything that looks valuable or attractive on the surface is necessarily of great worth or quality. In other words, something may appear to be gold or valuable, but upon closer inspection, it may turn out to be quite the opposite. The quote encourages people to look beyond superficial appearances and consider the true value and nature of things or people. It serves as a reminder to be discerning and not to be easily fooled by outward appearances, emphasizing the importance of inner qualities, authenticity, and substance over mere glitter or attractiveness. This #timeless wisdom is often used in various contexts to warn against hasty judgments and superficial assessments.

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