☑️☑️"Mastering Phrasal Verbs: Unveiling the LOOK Series!"☑️☑️☑️☑️Ever wondered about the different meanings of "look" when combined with other words? Here's a breakdown to clear things up! 🌟☑️☑️☑️Look at: 👀 Directing your gaze towards something. Example: "Look at the beautiful sunset!"☑️Look after: 🤗 Taking care of someone or something. Example: "I need to look after my little sister while my parents are away."☑️Look up: 📚 Searching for information or finding something. Example: "I'll look up the recipe online."☑️Look for: 🔍 Searching with the intention of finding something. Example: "I'm looking for my keys; have you seen them?"☑️Look forward to: 😊 Anticipating something with excitement. Example: "I'm looking forward to our vacation next week!"☑️Understanding these differences can help you communicate more effectively! 🚀☑️ ☑️ #EnglishLearning #PhrasalVerbs #LanguageSkills 📖 Learn English with #Mr. Mahmoud Fathy GaberMy best wishes ❤️ ❤️

منذ شهر
منذ شهر

I have active police case and travel banned , I have this case because it's financial case and I tried many time to solve it but they asked for full outstanding one shot payment, I lost my job in turkey the last summer because I get back to Jordan for vacation and I found myself on travel banned list . I have been jailed on 2020 for 90 days for this case and they reported me again and I am wanted plus the police case for 14 days minimum after COVID-19 they changed the execution time as per the amount, anyway I have old mother and a brother with mental issues and we follow up with a doctor for both of them , and my sister with her sweet daughter .I can bring evidences as per the request, thanks all and god bless you, be safe .Paypal account ( samarahmajdi@gmail.com )Majdi Samarahsamarahmajdi@gmail.com

منذ شهران

كل يوم معلومه جديده________________________- البريطاني بيقول go on holidayلكن الامريكي بيقول take a vacation(واخد اجازة )2- البريطاني بيقول get a driving licenceلكن الامريكي بيقول get a driver's licence( يطلع رخصة قيادة )3- البريطاني بيقول visit a city centreلكن الامريكي بيقول go downtown( نازل وسط البلد )4- البريطاني بيقول have a bathلكن الامريكي بيقول take a bath( ياخد شاور )5- البريطاني بيقول have biscuitsلكن الامريكي بيقول have cookies(ياكل بسكويت )6- البريطاني بيقول lay the tableلكن الامريكي بيقول set the table( يجهز ترابيزة الغداء )7- البريطاني بي bring up a childلكن الامريكي بي raise a child(يربي طفل )8- البريطاني بي change a nappyلكن الامريكي بي change a diaper(يغيير البامبرز لبيبي )9- البريطاني بيطلع بال liftلكن الامريكي بيطلع بال elevator(اسانسير )10- البريطانى بيلعب footballلكن الامريكي بيلعب soccer(كرة قدم )

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