منذ 10 أيام
منذ 3 شهور

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve JobsThis #quote by Steve Jobs emphasizes the importance of passion and love for one's work in achieving greatness. Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., believed that genuine enthusiasm for what you do is a key driver of success. When you love your work, you are more likely to invest time and effort into it, overcome challenges, and continuously strive for excellence. This quote encourages individuals to seek careers or pursuits that align with their passions and interests, as this alignment not only leads to personal fulfillment but also increases the likelihood of making meaningful contributions and achieving remarkable results. Ultimately, the quote advocates for the transformative power of passion in the pursuit of greatness.

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve JobsSteve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., imparts a valuable insight in this quote. He suggests that achieving greatness in one's work is intrinsically tied to passion and love for what you do. When you have genuine enthusiasm for your work, it becomes more than just a job – it becomes a source of inspiration and motivation. This passion propels individuals to invest more time, effort, and creativity into their endeavors. Jobs encourages people to seek out and pursue work that genuinely excites and fulfills them, as this is the path to achieving remarkable and meaningful accomplishments. The quote underscores the idea that true success is often found when work aligns with personal passion and purpose. Do you agree with Steve Jobs on this one? #Quote

منذ 3 شهور

"Don't be satisfied with stories. Unfold your own myth." This quote, attributed to the renowned Persian poet Rumi, serves as a powerful reminder to embrace the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It encourages individuals to go beyond the narratives handed down by others and instead actively shape their own stories. Rumi urges us to break free from the comfort of conformity, to explore the uncharted territories of our dreams, aspirations, and unique experiences. By doing so, we unravel the threads of our individual myths, crafting narratives that authentically reflect our essence. This #quote inspires a call to action, challenging us to be the authors of our lives, architects of our destinies, and creators of our own remarkable stories.Have you ever felt compelled to forge your own path and create a narrative that reflects your unique journey?

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